My introversion is showing; I admit that I’ve been looking at the three-week quarantine for covid-19 with delight. My daughter and I have happily made new recipes each day while I futilely haunt Amazon for paper towels less expensive than gold. What I really should be doing is completing Book Three of The Winged series, but that’s difficult to do with family at home and my daughter matching my insane late-night hours. I must admit that a large chunk of my time is being gobbled by my current addiction: GAMING.tatiana and the hydra Specifically, Guild Wars 2. I LOVE this game. I can play and nothing stressful is happening in the world. Because despite my initial delight, the growing number of fatalities, the dwindling toilet paper, and the reality of so many people I love being in danger is really setting in. I’d like to say I’m handling that underlying panic in healthy ways, but the chips are gone and Guild Wars has become my crutch. I even delight in drawing others into my addiction and triumph when I succeed; evil, right? So if this post has inspired anyone to play (it’s free, btw), let me know in the comments; I promise to derive wicked joy from it. >:)