If you’re not familiar with Operation Underground Railroad, I hope you’ll take two minutes to watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10P7kYbHa2Q

authors for freedom

Just thinking about children being sold as sex slaves brings me to tears. I know 2020 is a hard year for everyone, but these kids need our help. My friend and fellow author, Shannon Symonds, came up with the fundraising idea Authors For Freedom. Participating authors will be donating the proceeds of their book sales on July 31, 2020. Since I’m not a big author and a single day’s proceeds would be infinitesimal, I’m going to donate my book sale proceeds for all of July to this cause. If you’ve already read my books Elissa Blue and Lexi Monarch, please peruse the books from the other participating authors or consider making a direct donation to Operation Underground Railroad. Thank you for taking the time to read this and for wanting the world to be a better place. 🙂